Creating a timeless feature wall

Your choice of material and color palette will inform whether your feature wall will make a strong design statement, define the space or subtly enhance the architecture and decor.

Whilst feature walls can successfully enhance the atmosphere of a room, they also can appear dated not long after they have been finished. Remember the kaleidoscope of colored patterned wallpapers of the 60’s and bright red textured walls of the 90’s? Creating an ‘on trend’ feature wall could prove to be an expensive and time-consuming mistake.

Instead, look to create a timeless feature wall that will not only enhance your home’s architecture but also last beyond the current trends. Here are our tips on creating a feature that won’t date.

Compliment the style of architecture

JSA Architects Orlando Residence 9
Interior living space in Orlando Residence design by June Street Architecture Los Angeles

Choose a material or finish that complements the style of the architecture. For example, 1 has used custom bluestone in a linear pattern to reflect stack stone found in the 60’s era. Natural stone such as Newport Random Ashlar or timber paneling may suit the aesthetics of a coastal home, whereas a cleaner finish such as Bolzano sandstone as used in this project by June Street Architecture or render may better compliment a modern home.

Choose your color palette wisely

You may feel inspired to paint a large wall in your home in the ‘color of the year’, but in two years’ time, will you be as fond of the color palette? A feature wall of bold colors will definitely add impact, but may also date and clash with the rest of your interior décor. Consider a color palette that compliments the rest of your interior, architecture or landscape. If your home is in neutral tones, darker neutrals such as greys or blues along with natural colors can work well.

Opt for natural materials

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Wamberal free form stone feature wall in entrance

Natural materials typically carry with them longevity and have been used for centuries in feature walls. Often they provide a sense of warmth, texture and character in a neutral palette that can be more effective at providing subtle impact than a solid block of color. Natural stonewalling comes with a variety of options from the clean, sophisticated aesthetic to something more rugged and down to earth. Then there is the concrete, timber and even natural wallpapers like linen and seagrass that can be used successfully in a timeless feature wall.

Use a feature wall to define a space

Feature walls are highly effective when used to define a space, particularly in open-plan interiors. By using a feature wall to separate the interior can help change the atmosphere as you transition from one space to the next.

An accent wall can also be used to continue the aesthetics of the interior outdoors or the external architecture indoors. For example, by extending the same material used on the home’s exterior internally, you’ll be continuing the same visual dialogue. Or an interior feature wall that extends from a small living room out into a courtyard can help enhance the feeling of space.

Consider it a highlighting tool

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Jindera dry stone feature wall | EB Interiors

Instead of selecting one wall at random to become a feature, use it as a highlighting tool to draw the eye to an existing focal point. A fireplace is an ideal feature to highlight in a living room or behind the dining table in an open-plan space. Another effective use of a feature wall is in an entrance where the feature wall flows up the stairway or void.

Feature image: Berrimah traditional format stone feature wall in home designed by EB Interiors.