Garden and raised pool with a glass fence designed by Landart. Also featuring our Scala sandstone.Glass fence, tennis court mesh, and house facade border this pool constructed by Genworth Construction.Outdoor Establishments have used a combination of glass and powder-coated aluminum fencing in this garden.
Garden and raised pool with a glass fence designed by Landart. Also featuring our Scala sandstone.Glass fence, tennis court mesh, and house facade border this pool constructed by Genworth Construction.Outdoor Establishments have used a combination of glass and powder-coated aluminum fencing in this garden.
Garden and raised pool with a glass fence designed by Landart. Also featuring our Scala sandstone.Glass fence, tennis court mesh, and house facade border this pool constructed by Genworth Construction.Outdoor Establishments have used a combination of glass and powder-coated aluminum fencing in this garden.

If you’re choosing to install an aluminum fence around your pool’s perimeter, consider powder-coating it black rather than the lighter tones popular in the 80s and 90s. A black book fence will become less obtrusive as it disappears amongst the soft landscape.

Key takeaways

EcoOutdoor Jericho Eelg 19
Nature’s Vision have been playful with this timber boundary fence in tropical poolside oasis.

  • Check your local pool compliance laws,
  • Don’t design the pool fence alone; consider it in the context of your whole garden,
  • Select materials that will work with the aesthetics of your home.